§1 Name and principal office
- The name of this association shall be: "Meeting of Refractory Experts Freiberg e. V." – MORE-Freiberg e. V.
- The principle office of the association shall be at Agricolastr. 17; 09599 Freiberg / Saxony, Germany.
The association shall be registered in the register of associations of the Local Court Freiberg under the register number VR 764.
§2 Purposes
- The purpose of this association shall be to encourage refractory and thermal insulation materials research and to encourage scientific exchange and dialogue between research establishments and industry both in Germany and abroad. Furthermore, the purpose of the association shall be to encourage innovative research projects and to promote young researchers, in particular students and university staff members.
- In particular, the purposes of the association shall be fulfilled through:
- Holding further training courses,
- Holding information meetings for the professional and technical public,
- Realising research and development projects,
- Organising national and international conferences and exhibitions,
- Encouraging intercourse between industry and universities,
- Supervising and encouraging of students,
- Awarding scholarships,
- Performing duties of study and profession information,
- Encouraging the preparation of original scientific papers on refractory and thermal insulation materials topics,
- Encouraging international cooperation, in particular with regard to integration of Eastern Europe,
- Miscellaneous.
§3 Public utility
- The association "MORE-Freiberg e. V." pursues exclusively and directly non-profit purposes in terms of articles "Steuerbegünstigte Zwecke" (tax-advantaged purposes) of the tax law. The association is selfless in its action and does not pursue primarily the self-economical purposes.
- The funds of the association may only be used for statutory purposes. The members in their capacity as member receive no benefits from the association funds. No person should be favoured by expenditures, which are strange to the purposes of the association, or by disproportionately high remuneration. If required, the members of the association can be authorised from the executive board to perform cost-effective scientific trainings or research and development projects.
§4 Financial year
- The financial year of the association is the calendar year. The first shrunk financial year ends on December 31st2004.
- The association was established indefinitely.
§5 Association funds
- The association obtains the funds for the performance of its duties through donations and/or through realisation of research and development projects.
- The association can introduce the membership fees in case of the corresponding decision of the membership meeting.
§6 Membership
- Any natural person and any private or public law legal person, who feels constrained to the purposes of the association and fells up to encourage strongly the interests of the association, is eligible to become a member of the association.
- A membership shall be requested in writing. The admission of a new member into the association shall be decided by the executive committee.
- The membership ends through
- death of the member or loss of the legal capacity,
- voluntary withdrawal, which results from the written statement to the executive committee; it is only allowable by the end of a calendar year subject to a cancellation period of 3 month or
- exclusion from the association, if a member was exceedingly in breach of interest of the association. On the exclusion, the executive committee decides, any member shall have the opportunity to be heard orally or in written before the committee.
- Upon completion of the membership, regardless of which reason, all demands from the membership expire. Refund of donations, other financial aids and potential fees is basically excluded. The excluded members of the association are not entitled to benefit from assets of the association.
- The members are entitled to participate in all offered meetings of the association. Furthermore, they are entitled to file applications to the executive committee and to the membership meeting.
§7 Honorary membership
- The executive committee can nominate honorary members. Hereunto, any member can submit a proposal with written statement to the executive committee.
§8 Officers and Committees
- The officers of the association are:
- Executive committee and
- Membership meeting.
§9 Executive committee
- The executive committee consists of the chairman, deputy chairman, treasurer and up to four additional members. The TU Bergakademie Freiberg, represented by President or a deputy authorised by President and at least two members of the Institute of Ceramic, Glass and Construction Materials at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg are members of the executive committee.
- The association shall be judicially and extrajudicially represented by the chairman or the deputy chairman or if required also by the treasurer.
- The executive committee shall be elected by the membership meeting for the period of 2 years. The re-election is admissible. The executive committee remains in office while a new election is effected. If a member of the executive committee resigns from the office during the period of office, the executive committee shall elect a substitute member for the remaining period of office of the resigned member. The executive committee elects the chairman, the deputy chairman and the treasurer with a simply majority vote.
- The executive committee is responsible for all matters of the association unless the matters are assigned to the membership meeting. It constitutes a quorum, if at least three members of the executive committee attend. The executive committee decides with a simple majority of the delivered votes. In the case of equality of votes, an application shall be defeated. The executive committee can employ a manager for current transactions of the association; the manager shall be entitled to take part in meetings of the executive committee with an advisory vote.
§10 Membership meeting
- The membership meeting establishes the closure regulations of the association and makes decision about questions of fundamental importance. The membership meeting shall perform the following duties, in particular:
- Election and deselection of the executive committee,
- Consulting of the state of affairs and planning of the assignment,
- Approval of the budget and capital spending plan presented by executive committee,
- Acceptance of the annual report of the executive committee,
- Resolution for formal approval of the executive committee,
- Resolution for changes of the articles and dissolution of the association,
- Resolution for objection of a member to his/her exclusion from the association through the executive committee.
- The chairman shall invite all members to membership meeting stating the preliminary agenda at least four weeks before in written. The membership meetings shall be hold as often as required, normally once per two years.
- The membership meeting decides with a simply majority of the delivered valid votes unless explicitly provided differently in these articles. Abstentions from voting remain out of consideration. The membership meeting has a quorum regardless of the number of present members, if it has been duly invited to the relevant meeting. For amendment of the articles, a majority of 2/3, and for alteration of the purposes of the association a majority of 3/4 of delivered votes is required. The art of the voting shall be basically defined by the chairman of the meeting.
- The minutes of the meeting about the taken resolutions of the membership meeting and about the significant course of the negotiations shall be written. The minutes of the meeting shall be duly signed by the chairman of the meeting and by the keeper of the minutes.
- In the membership meeting, any member has a vote. The voting rights can be exercised only in person.
- The executive committee can anytime call an extraordinary membership meeting. The executive committee is obligated to call an extraordinary meeting, if at least one third of all member demands for it stating the purpose and reasons. In this case, the members shall be invited in written stating the preliminary agenda, subject to a term of at least two weeks before.
§11 Cash audit
- The membership meeting elects two cash auditors, which are not members of the executive committee. The cash auditors shall be elected for the terms of two financial years. The re-election is admissible.
- The cash auditors verify the cash management and accounting of the executive committee after the expiration of each financial year and give an account about it at the regular membership meeting. Their activity as cash auditors is a voluntary service. The cash audit does not extend to the advisability of the expenses, which have been authorised by the executive committee.
- The executive committee can in one´s sole discretion appoint a sworn-in accountant for the cash audit, who has to verify the cash management and accountancy if necessary; the executive committee is obligated to appoint a sworn-in accountant, if the membership meeting decides on this.
§12 Dissolution and termination of the association
- The dissolution and termination of the association can only be effected by a membership meeting, which shall be called only for this purpose, with a 3/4 majority of the delivered valid votes of the attended members.
- If the association shall be dissolved or if tax-advantaged purposes shall drop out, the estate of the association shall devolve to a public corporation or another tax-advantaged corporation in order to apply it in terms of purposes of the association. The membership meeting shall decide on the corporation, which shall be preferred. The consent of the local tax office is a condition precedent to such resolution.
§13 Commencement
- These articles were agreed during the constitutive meeting of the association (founder´s meeting) on Mai 6th 2004 in Freiberg. The articles entry into force on the day of registration into the register of associations of the Local Court Freiberg.